<aside> 👤 Backstory


Your 19th generation Sim has always used working out as a way to escape from things. Through their parent's divorce there was quite a lot of emotion to deal with and moving your body has been your way of moving their emotions. From running to boxing, they love it all. They actually have 1 dream: make it your way of life. Snowboard, ski, mountain climb, hike, they want to do it all and never stop. In pursuit of their dreams they find themselves moving to Mt. Komorebi. To sustain their expensive sports, they must take a job at the most terrible place on eath: one of those big corporate offices

<aside> ☑️ Goals


<aside> ✔️ Optional Goals


<aside> 💭 Traits


<aside> 💼 Career


<aside> 📦 Possible Stuff Packs
