<aside> 👤 Backstory


Your 21st generation Sim grew up lonely, very very lonely. It was always made clear to them that you were unwanted and they had to figure out their own life. Growing up in a hellhole, they did found one thing to give them hope: dreaming. They dreamed of making the house a true home. They dreamed of replacing every floor tile with beautiful wooden floors. They dreamed of painting the walls in lush colors. They dreamed and dreamed until they were old enough and they could escape that hell. However, the dream never stopped. They started making the dream reality and used all the inspiration from their childhood to make sure no one ever felt like their own home wasn't homey, stylish, pretty or anything else they wished for. One day, your sims themselves will live the prettiest home for sure!

<aside> ☑️ Goals


<aside> ✔️ Optional Goals


<aside> 💭 Traits


<aside> 💼 Career


<aside> 📦 Possible Stuff Packs
