<aside> 👤 Backstory


Your 30th generation Sim grew up rich, like very very rich. Their parents owned most of the property… well.. anywhere. There is not a place they can remember their parents did not own some real estate. One thing that always bothered them is that no matter how rich their parents were, they somehow still opted for very ugly jewlery. Even though there is so much beauty out there! Once your sim is old enough to move out of the house they decide to rent a flat from their parents (can be just a starter home if you don’t have for rent) and make their own jewlery. Growing up with parents who were self employed they know that’s what they want too. None of that silly 9-5 business. Gems are their passion and they want to work on it 24/7! The more they work with gems and metals the more they realize they might hold more power than meets the eye. They always believed that the whispers and stories of magic in the family was just some funny bedtime story but they are beginning to think otherwise…

<aside> ☑️ Goals


<aside> ✔️ Optional Goals


<aside> 💭 Traits


<aside> 💼 Career


<aside> 📦 Possible Stuff Packs
